Need for better catalysis & catalysts
A key scientific challenge for CO2 conversion to valuable products is improving fundamental under...
Read More...Need for a more collaborative approach
The challenges facing conversion of carbon dioxide for different end uses may require an approach...
Read More...Amount of energy required for converting CO2 to valuable products
The CO2 molecule is stable and breaking the bonds through a chemical or catalytic method often re...
Read More...Transporting CO2 for long distances could be expensive. Due to this cost challenge, the re-use of...
Read More...Lack of benchmark for benefits
The potential economic benefits of CO2 conversion for re-use are largely unquantified because the...
Read More...Challenges in business models for CO2 sources
Large CO2 emitters such as power companies may be looking to enter into contracts to sell CO2 tha...
Read More...Challenges in standards & certifications
The international standards for materials such as concrete may need to be revised to reflect new ...
Read More...Which is better? CO2 utilization or storage
Global organizations and experts will need to review options for CO2 utilization and compare them...