Decarbonization Avenue : C2V - CO2 to Value

In fact

Carbon capture by making materials equivalent of seashells

The researchers took inspiration from seashells, which are formed from the carbon dioxide that naturally dissolves in the ocean.

Because the ocean and the atmosphere are in a state of equilibrium, if CO2 is taken out of the water the ocean will then pull more from the air.

The seawater their machine pulls in goes through a mesh that gives the water an electric charge. That triggers chemical reactions that combine dissolved CO2 with calcium and magnesium in the water, creating limestone and magnesite. These materials—essentially ground-up seashells—can either be disposed of on land or released back into the ocean. The seawater can also flow back into the ocean, where it can absorb more CO2.

The process has some advantages compared to other carbon-removal technology, including the fact that seawater already naturally takes up CO2 at a high concentration, 150 times the level in air. Without using so much energy, the new process can be less expensive than direct air capture.

It also produces hydrogen as a by-product, which can be used to help run the equipment or sold as fuel.

Relevant for

  • Chemical engineer
  • Electrochemical engineer
  • Marine & ocean sciences professional
  • Marine biology professional

Innovation sector

  • Environmental sciences
  • Geological sciences
  • Water

Other In fact


  • University researcher
  • Corporate researcher